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Semiconductor Nanomembranes for Transient Electronics

 John Rogers

A remarkable feature of modern integrated circuit technology is its ability to operate in a stable fashion, with almost perfect reliability, without physical or chemical change.  Recently developed classes of releasable semiconductor nanomembranes create an opportunity to engineer the opposite outcome, in the form of ‘transient’ devices that dissolve, disintegrate or otherwise disappear at triggered times or with controlled rates.  Water-soluble classes of transient electronics serve as the foundations for applications in zero-impact environmental monitors, 'green' consumer electronic gadgetry and bio-resorbable biomedical implants.  This presentation describes the foundational concepts in materials science and assembly processes for bioresorbable electronics in 1D, 2D and 3D architectures, the latter enabled by approaches that draw inspiration from the ancient arts of kirigami and origami.  Wireless stimulators for accelerated neuroregeneration and temporary cardiac pacemaking provide application examples.

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